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I Hold You In My Belly
(Pierre Wattebled)

I invite you now to discover an unexpected poem, unexpected because itwas written spontaniously, inone go, you might say. The writerhas difficultybending to the art's academicrules, preferening to avoid that abyss and using a free language. Through metaphore, the abstract is unveiled during this common day to so many mere human beings. The great gap between the requirements of the spirit and of the skin, then the paradoxes hauntedby their wounds.At the end, hope is safe as is existence .I hold in my belly, onthe road,fromevening to morning, today and in the days to come and the uncertain future abutton of rose inmy soul.That the invisble brightness burns more than a flame;On my flowered branch whose fingers draw you. Like the happiness in the sky where you heart beats. I hold in my chest by the seaons, my spring without equal! All the day, and forever, on the tree of life you remain myideal;The jewel that the Sky has given me. The sweetness in memory,and the trace of plaesure that imagined you; The hyme of the love for the child that I have rocked for a long time. Like the air of time signsthe lightness of an expectedbud. I hold in my belly, with regret your battles and wars. In your genes, the history already writes its bloody pages. Tears of roses in a catafalque, Sign of the Cross and disarming prayers burying the Hope My thoughts are alarmed to hear theearth groan insuffering. When your rapsodies lenghten on the plain, imploring delivrance. I hold in my belly, your strength to come and of real sentiment. My sap boils and traces,in your soul, thegreatest advance. This perfume of love who will transport you Beyond theworst,youwill recognisea smile of woman, a peaceful village. Beyond regret, apeased, the conscience awakened, you will do your possible. Like the air of time that welcomesthe silence, I was erase myself..

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