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The Concilium Of Animals
(ANTÍSTENES / Magnus Amaral Campos)

All the information contained in this abstracto can be found in the book "the History of the Philosophy", of Will Durant. Antístenes, head of the school of the Cynical ones, that it was antagonistic of the Platonic school of the supplied people, elaborated a called story "conciliates It of the animals". Thus, it had in the forest one I conciliate and all the animals if they had presented: hares, turtles, deer, bears, parrots, snakes and goats, pigs and javalís, rinocerontes, giraffes and lions and elephants. E all the animals if complained that the lions were animal very dull, for the fact to only be strong grandões and e, thus being, the animals, all they demanded right equality. Questioned if to pronounce, the lions they had capsized for the hares and they had asked they: - "Please, they show its claws". This age the position of the Head of the school of Cynical - Antístenes concerning the Democracy - the Democracy is a chimera - he is something that can be said, but cannot be made does not have as to have two animals with the same rights, a front to the other - and one of them always goes to be the dominant one in the situation. This position of the Head of the Cynical ones also is admitted by Spinoza, possibly the most democratical of all philosophers. It also said not to exist democracy. It does not have possibility to exist two animals with the same force - one of them always goes to be stronger than the other, where it scales animal will be. In the race human being and the society, no matter how hard let us want to give to equality of right to all the people, this such democracy - it is absolutely impossible of two animals to have the same force, exactly between the human beings. DEMOCRACY is a CHIMERA - he is something that can be said but it cannot be made - is as to say squared round - it can be said, but cannot be made. Access my site : www.neurosehomossexual.com.br or orders email for [email protected] or enter in contact through my cellular -(55) (011) 7283,8959 - Magnus Amaral Campos.

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