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Face To The Sun
(Issac Asimov)

After his won success at the time of his investigation on the murder of a spacien in "The steel caves", Elijah Baley is again confronted to a murder sordide. To years lights of the Earth, a murder was committed. An habitant of the planet Solaria was killed.But by whom? The habitants of Solaria pushed their isolation to a such point that all their social relations consist only in discussions in conference. Approaching another living human is for them the thing more despicable that exists, then imagine to have a physical contact... The murderer would be therefore a Robot. Impossible since the three laws of the robotics forbid all possibility for a Robot to injure a human being; before that can happen, the circuits of the brain positronic of the robot would provoke his death... Here therefore why this problem is given to Lije Baley. He will have be surprised and also the joy to be again partner with the exeptionnel R.Daneel that had attended him on Earth. But Solaria was a discovered world and our inspector has since a long time forgotten this that it was that to live to the surface of a planet, lit up by the sun and in contact with the natural elements such as the wind or rain. ..En more than all these elements, the one here will be confronted to the disrupting Gladïa, a solarienne of all beauty that will sow the disturbance in his. This second asimov work presenting Elijah Baley and R.Daneel is therefore a step of more in the comprehension of the fantastic universe created by the author. The excellent police investigation is a pretext to do us to discover a futuristic corporation pushed in its more distant entrenchments. A reading of the most fascinating one.

Resumos Relacionados

- Face Aux Feux Du Soleil

- The Naked Sun

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- The Robots Of Dawn

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