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The Count Of Monte Cristo
(Alexandre Dumas Pere)

The historia if passes in France in the beginning of century XVIII, after the exile of Napoleão. It counts to the trajectory of Edmond Dantes, according to immediate of a merchant ship, that stops trying to save the life of its captain, acometido of meningite, disembarks of its ship, against the orders of its immediate one, together with its friend of infancy, Fernand Mondego, go to the Island of the Elba, exile of Napoleão, strong kept for English soldiers, who shoot in any one that to dare to disembark without permission. After a shock with English soldiers, is safe of the death for the proper Napoleão, that receives them in its house and authorizes medical cares to dying captain Edmond, without nobody knows, has on condition that taken a letter itsa friend in France. Believing the allegation of Napoleão to that if it dealt with only a innocent letter and not knowing to read, accepted Edmond the incubency and also keeps secret of its Mondego friend who distrusts. Returning Paris Edmond the captain for having is promoted attemped to save the life of the captain what he dislikes first the immediate one. Edmond counts on the promotion its fiancé Mercedes and she asks for it in marriage. Mondego that even so is rich feels envy Edmond and desires Mercedes. If being valid the rancor of the immediate one caused by the promotion of Edmond, Mondego counts to it on the letter of Napoleão, its content and it convinces it to denounce Edmond as conspirator. Edmond imprisoned and is taken to the presence of magistrate Monsieur Villefort who when interviewing Edmond if convinces that the same she was been deceptive by Napoleão and this you give to liberate when discovers it to who if it destined the letter. Edmond is taken imprisoned, obtains to run away and goes to look the Mondego friend who for being rich will be able to help it. Mondego the delivery polices it and Edmond is taken to an Island arrest where he is jailed per some years kept alive only for the revenge desire. There Abbot knows Would make that she teaches to it to read, to write and paradeiro of an enormous very rich pertaining richness to one conde that died and did not leave paradeiro of the treasure. In an attempt of fulga Abbot dies and leaves the Edmond the localization of the treasure, but a time awarded for the luck Edmond obtains to escape and goes in search of the treasure and its so dreamed revenge. In its day it finds the sailor Jacopo to who salute of the death. They are friends and together they go to the Mount Island Christ to catch the treasure and to start its revenge.

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- The Count Of Monte Cristo

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- The Count Of Monte Cristo

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