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Big Vision, Small Business (the Four Keys To Finding Success & Satisfaction As A..... Entrepreneur)
(Ms. Jamie S. Walters)

Is small really small? Well, it appears to be so, since generally in life, big things like big size, big number, big event, big person, big business etc. draw attention. Thus it appears that, small business does not draw adequate attention to it, even though it gives a sizeable contribution to the economy of the nation. But, because of the large number of small businesses, these are important from the point of view of innovation, employment, market for products & services of big organizations etc. Small business can be used for our professional or personal development, or for moulding it whichever way we may want it, provided we have a vision for it. This book is based on author's own experience as a business owner, as well as interviews with about seventy such owners having big vision & small businesses, from different regions of USA, referred through thirty five small business organizations, & informal talks & discussions with many other persons of small businesses. In five sections(Chapters) of this book, various issues & perceptions of small business field have been discussed, many anecdotes, good points, suggestions & advice have been given, which will be of help, inspiration & guidance to the people in this field. In five sections of this book, the author has given four keys viz. have a big vision, growth can be defined in many ways, relationships & behaviour with people are important, & not letting the well dry.
In one of the important Chapters, the author states that even in a small business, a big vision is required for big achievement. We should be clear of our focus & action plan. We have to set our mind for this high level of achievement, & then put in all our resources towards that end. This success should flow from our passion & our efforts. Along with financial gains, the small business should also be able to meet some requirements of the community. Vision for the business is an imaginative conception, but it is essential to guide its progress. We should always keep our vision before our eyes & have a written action plan. A committed vision & planning process helps us in progress, by anticipating & preparing for the likely problems. It must be understood that planning does not block opportunity & creativity. Each vision has to be dynamic, appropriate & unique for that particular organisation. Such a vision may have reflection of personal individual vision. Therefore dialogue or discussion is necessary, before finalization of vision. To get the best idea, we should generate lot of ideas through the process of brainstorming, & then make a choice after screening of the ideas. It is also desirable to get a feedback for the idea, from other individuals & groups (employees & prospective customers etc.)& if required, to modify or change it. This feedback may be arranged formally or informally, by ourselves or through some other agency. But final decision must be ours, based on our judgement. This vision should be communicated to all concerned, so that it will have a solid start. The daily activities of our business, should be based on our this vision. By continuous follow up, we should ensure that our vision is always in focus in our activities. We should make the vision specific, avoid poor communication, use several communication modes, request & receive response, put ourselves in other's position & examine our own vision, utilize that which is already working satisfactorily, connect the employee's views, business goals & profit to the vision etc. Our behaviour towards employees should be consistent with our vision. When vision has set in the organisation, we should continue to relook, as to how, our employees can help in our realising it.

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