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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

ah! a wholesome novel at its best.Dan brown surely knows how to mix so tastefully the ingredients of a delicious novel, to enchant reader of every taste.
he has given the heroic romance, all the thrills, and a high end trivia of france and london, that a reader feels so much urge to read what would come the next.
starting for the prologue till the last page, novel is going though the cutting edge shower of drama.
description of the louvre museum of paris is so descriptive that one feels right on the parqueted floor moving along Robert Langdon, searching for the clues to decode the biggest mystry of word - the holy grail.
the novel starts with the murder of curator of louvre museum - who eventually is the senechaux of the secret socity priory of sion - the last knower of holy grail.
eventually he writes a code in his last breaths which has to be decrypted to reach the killer, the story then takes the stall and robert langdon and head cryptographer sophie neveu, who is also gand daughter of the killed.
they run from police and in search of holy grail.
drama opens up when they know that they are not alone in the run, they are being hit head on wit villian - opus dei.
sophie at last meets her long lost grandmother and brother to know thwt they are belong to bloob line of jesus christ.
and robert comes to know about the coded message given by Da vinci in his painting the last supper.
a great novel to read, or watch i must say.

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- Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Davinci Code

- Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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