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Fernando Pessoa, Genius Of Some Dimensions
(Carlos Butes)

The line is ténue that can separate to the recognition of a brilliant workmanship of its complete cultural anonymity. The recognition of the génio is, by the way, overwhelmd to one without number of factors that much limit and make it difficult the sprouting of the workmanship, flower that the cost breaches the soil, in the incessant search for the recognition. Also it, who is described as having by itself created a value workmanship equivalent the five writers of génio, looked of fact recognition in the literary way. When he faleceu more was not that an almost unknown poet. As few, he did not make of the enrichment intention, he only aimed at to enrich its art, and when making it, he also enriched the art of all we. He explored some chains, diverse ` languages '. He lived resigned in its collect telling more than mere emotions, true torrents of feeling, thinking, divagar and extravasou very for there of the meat and the quotidiano. One of more, senão more, brilliant workmanship that in left them was of fact the book of its unquitness that if necessarily intitled "Book of the Unquitness" ("the Book of Disquiet"). Its revelation to the curious eyes and thinking them interested could of fact never have occurred, therefore this book rested in hurt leves with its misery, tortured with the thorns of its torment, alucinadaspela vertigo of the seupensamento, for the discerning clarity of its complex reasonings. Its edition, posthumous, consists of the opinion of appraised the ensaísta Portuguese Eduardo Lourenço, in the most excellent workmanship inside of the Portuguese literary panorama. The heteronímia Pessoana fascinated the minds of intellectuals for the whole world, that to the few was surrendering to its génio. In Portugal, Fernando Person left an inheritance difficult to support, and more difficult still to surpass, to the too much lusos poets. In the day of its death he was almost a complete stranger, volvidos years is a incontornável rock in the world of the letters Portuguese, but not only surely also world-wide, and its workmanship continues to sprout as the most crystalline water of one any source, such enormefluxo creative that Person in bequeathed them to all, beings mundane and oppressed by the rational world of the scientific thought.

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