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Watch Me Desappear
(Jill Dawson)

The unsolved disappearance of a little girl in 1970s England lies at the heart of this thriller-like story of family secrets and lies.The heroine is Tina Humber, an English marine biologist who has made her life in America, where she?s the doting, happily married mother of ten-year-old daughter. When she boards a plane home to her brother?s wedding, however, she finds herself sucked into the heart of the mystery that darkened her childhood; three decades earlier, when she was the same age as her daughter is now, her sassy best friend Mandy went missing. Arriving back in the Cambridgeshire village where she grew up, Tina is besieged by long- buried memories. Turning sleuth, she pieces together the clues to reach a sickening conclusion. But who will believe her after so much time has passed? This is Jill Dawson?s fifth novel, and it combines seat-edge psychological drama with vivid reflections on the mystery of memory and childhood. She is a sensitive writer who knows that something suggested is often far more chilling than something spelt out, and as Tina strains to think back to that long ago summer , fabled spectres like the Black Shuck prowl the lonely Fenland lanes with more modern danger.This is a tremendous book, highly recommended to those who like good books and stories.

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