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Larry Bakewell, the hero of the story, was a very good cook, but he couldn?t find a job. He wanted an unusual job, so that he will not need to cook all the time. He liked the outdoors. When he found an advertisement in the newspaper for a cook for a special expedition on study to find a Toruk (an animal that is half bird and half beast, that is very big and dangerous), he straight asked to get the job.He want to an interview with Professor Max Lugner and he got the job. But he found a few things that were strange: 1. four men disappeared on the other expeditions. If the Toruk killed them, why did no one find their bodies? 2. why does Professor Max Lugner always go with different people on his expedition?Anyhow, the expedition went to north Afghanistan, to find the Toruk. With Larry, fifteen members came on the expedition. He became friends with Greg, the quartermaster. Also Greg had some questions about the Professor.When they arrived in Afghanistan, they found  Afghanistani people to help them, among them Abdul, who was already in one of the expeditions of the Professor.After a few days in the snow, one of the members of the expedition disappeared. Near where they where sleeping, they found claw marks. But they didn?t go to find the toruk, because Professor Lugner said it is too cold.In the next night Larry heard noises, and when he went out of his tent, he saw the Professor walking in the snow and making claws marks in the snow. Greg and Abdul heard Larry, and joined him. After that they knew the secret of the professor, and they guessed that the member that was killed, saw the Professor secretly making the footprints, and Because that the Professor killed him. Greg Abdul and Larry want bake to there tent, in didn?t say to nobody about what that they saw, because they where afraid that the Professor will kill also them, if he will know what they sow. The next night they heard again the Professor makingFootprints, in suddenly, they heard a scream. They wan outside in saw the Professor foul of bald, and dead. Near him they found footprints that the Professor mad, and footprints of the real toruk. They return bake to the tents, told everyone what happened, in want bake to London

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