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Fly Me Away
(jason d smith)

as i was looking out of my airplane window i saw my luggage fall off the cart that the person on the cart was taken to the plane i knew it was mine because i have one so much colors on it its crazy. well i still seen it out on the tarmak and it seems no one cared it was there. i heard the dorr close on the baggage carpment then all of a sudden i seen the plane begin to move i said oh my gosh they are forgetting my plane i called the flight attendent with the call button and she did not respond and i was waving my arms and the person just waved back at me i guess they though i was being funny i did not want to yell and freak everyone out so i just set there till we got in the air and then i hit the call button again and waved again and the flight attendent waved again i thought what am i doing wrong now. i said well crap i got to let them know they forgot my backage so i wrote a note and passed it done the ailse to get the flight attenedent attention little did i know that some kids were in front of me and oh my gosh they changed my note you (you got to read the rest of my book to find out more thanks)

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