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Pain And Postural Alteration
(Hercy Santos)

Painandalteration postural.
Oneof the more frequent causes of the chronic painis the posturalalterations .
The normal posture is, statistically, found in the people's minority. All of us have some posture problem. For keep us in foot, it is an organism prowess, andit is going to depend on all felt them to keep the balance. It starts by the feet, there is some alteration already is going to occur all a deviation postural that with time is going to be cause of muscular pains that evolve for waste articulates (artrose).
The symptom appearance depends on the alteration intensity of how the feet repose in the soil. Some people has a body side a little greater than the other and to will in the same way carry alterations initially in muscular groups, staying aside overloaded and the flaccid musculature from other side. With years, the overloaded side will be target of artrose precocious. Some patient tell- Lady doctor. That side of my body hurts all.
Like the causal alteration can be a so discreet difference, nothing is going to be detected, but the pains become more and more intense, carrying for sleep disturbances, irritability, depression and to live has to if get used with the pain.
Other frequent cause are the spinal column deviations, that are already more well-known and better treaties.
But a frequent and very neglected cause is dental problem. Lots of orthodontic treatments aim more the aesthetics than the function. When the occlusion between superior arcade is not in harmony with the inferior, it will be a Pain cause, initially in theface musculature, goes progressively pledging muscular groups of the neck, some patient think the pain is in the ear, in the neck and thus goes carrying, slow and progressively to the implication of the descending muscular jail of that body side. Again the patient arrives to an apprenticeship of telling that all that side hurts.
Another cause are ocular problems, happily these are corrected with glasses.
Perhaps the most difficult cause of treating are the alterationsof the positionduring the sleep, first because the sick not realizes for being sleeping, but to the if detect the posture vice during the sleep, forpeople when fall asleeping does the correction but with elapse it of the sleep comes back for the position that like sleeping and to does not naturally realize. It is very difficult to get new habit of posting itself correctly in bed. We recommend cushions and pillows use so that it sleep ofside with the knees double, there could be a pillow among knees. When changing aside the posture should be the same in the contrary side to alleviate of the muscles.

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