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What No One Ever Tells You About Marketing Your Own Business
(Ms. Jan Norman)

Everyone who is in business, has to resort to marketing. But marketing should be seen, as a part of the total picture of the company, esp. from the point of view of a foundation & culture of good ethics. Marketing can be done in many ways. We have to make our existing customers happy, & satisfied. We have to do segmentation of our customers, identify most likely & important customers, prepare a suitable plan for marketing & organize accordingly, & grab the opportunities as they come, with the right customers. However, same things do not always work. So while continuous monitoring, we may have to modify, & alter our scheme of things.
In 101 Chapters, contained in eleven parts of this book, the author has covered various aspects of this subject. No one single technique can give results, & hence we have to choose our own set of suitable marketing techniques. It is very necessary that, our prospective customers (and people in general) should be made aware of our business. They will become aware of it, if it is unique in some way. This is the topic discussed in one part of this book, wherein the author discusses, as to how an entrepreneur can make his business stand out, in the crowded market place. Our product has to tower over that of our competitors, then only, it will make a mark, & it will be visible. It has to give an excellent overall impression & image of the company. The good point of difference should be made forceful, & repeated over time. If there is a story associated with the founder of the business, as to how he got the inspiration/motivation/idea, & if it gets even brief publicity, it will be something unique, & thus an extra plus point. Interesting signs, bill boards, snapshots, etc. give an identification to the business. These signs should be brief, simple, in bold letters, readable from a long distance & located at suitable locations. We must try to make our business unique, & get it certified by some well known organization. Generally, the customers have very little time to make purchases. While walking through the stack of items kept for display & purchases, & in the observation of a few seconds only, customers are attracted by the products & their outer packaging, which gives them an impulse for purchasing. Therefore for getting attention of likely buyers & win them over, the packaging has to be something special. With relevant details, information, photos & instructions etc., cleanly organized on the front of the outer package, any accessories should be kept securely, so as to be seen & felt. Business card of the entrepreneur should be made catchy, noticeable & impressive enough, to depict uniqueness of the business, so that the prospective customers can be attracted through this medium also, since business card gives the first impression. For making an impressive presentation of our company, we have to start with a very brief, true & important point of the company, in the first ten seconds, so that we can grab the attention of everyone & then we can go ahead further. This is also required, for communicating important messages to the target people & markets, appropriately & in a small period of time. We may also have unusual & bold themes in marketing, for which people may remember us. We may also develop special schemes, to keep in touch with helpful sources for our business. We may enter our company in appropriate contests, & see that our company deservedly & truly wins award on merit, share the good news with all employees & use it for getting further business. In short, the author says that we should try to keep our company in the eyes of the customer, since out of sight is out of mind.

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