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Skipping Christmas
(John Grisham)

At first I thought that some fairly substantial issues were going to be tackled, (the commercialism, greed and waste associated with a 21 century Christmas) however I was very soon disappointed. The main characters decide to skip Christmas as their only daughter is going to the third world to do voluntary work. Very promising, however this is not a very well thought through narrative, missing the mark completely. Humerus in places but deeply disturbing in others (p127 "Peruvians have dark skin? he asked. Nora Froze ..." and p187 "He wasn't dark at all! At least two shades darker than Luther himself!" Their inherent racism going unchallenged and therefore implicitly accepted.). A very cosy ending with little or no substance and the plot descending into farce with the return of minor characters previously offended by the Kranks forgoing of festivities, coming to the rescue. I will look at Mr. Grisham in a new light now.

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