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A Novel
(James A. Michener)

This novel is very peculiar. Divided into 4 great sections: The writer, the publisher, the critic and the reader, entered us in the publishing world andin the writing of a novel. In a very pleasant written form and, the writer describes the world of amish to us and the menonitas of Pensylvania, while he introduces us in themix-up of his professional life. Almost like an accidental fact, a murder is mixed in story than the writer gets ready for solving. A different, fresh and imperdible book. Each section is intermingled in different stories with the others. Without losing the thread of the novel, we found out the life of the publisher andhowhe arrived to occupies the position of editor in the publishing house, the life of the critic who shows the writer and has written a novel herself and the one of a reader who hasread books and has a writer grandson.she gets to be the nexus of each one of the other outstandingcharacters of the book. Accompanied by a mapof the region and a pairof sketches, she invites us to solve the crimeourself and to discover the world of the Germans of Pensylvania.

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