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Doctor No
(Ian Fleming)

Dr. No was Ian Flemings first James Bond Novel. In it, he attempts to introduce the reader to the life of a British spy, or as they prefer to call themselves, agents. Fleming delves into the world of an exclusive type of spy, and that is one with a license to kill, these agents are given code numbers with a 00 prefix, James Bond's happens to be 007.The book essentially begins after the disappearance of a station chief and his assistant, this was discovered when the chief failed to make his daily report to London at the appropriate time. Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate. As it turns out, Dr. No was aware of who Bond was and what he was there to do at virtually the same time as Bond was interviewing the last people to see the station chief alive. Bomd was unaware that one of the men he was interviewing had gone over to the other side. He was working with Dr. No, a Chinese gentleman who as the villain in the story, had absconded with Chinese tong, or gang money and had begun to work for a rather different type of organization, one that was out to acquire money by any means with a final motive of world domination. The name of the organization was S.P.E.C.T.R.E. the Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. Dr. No had an extensive group of people working for him, some to gather information, some to kill, some to run the hotel-like facilities on his private island, also known as Crab Key. He created fear in the minds of anyone who approached his island by using a flame throwing tank painted as a dragon. He scared off all but one woman, an orphan toughened by life named Honeychild Rider. She also became Bond's helper on the island. After a variety of attempts to kill Bond by agents of Dr. No that had failed, Bond was captured on Crab Key by the soldiers in the dragon, and his friend Quarrel who had brought Bond to the island in his boat was killed by them. After a drugged sleep, Bond and Honey were invited to dine with Dr. No in a spacious dining area with a huge window to the sea. The cost as he told Bond upon entering the room, was one million dollars. During the dinner conversation, Bond baited Dr. No with various insults after the doctor had explained S.P.E.C.T.R.E. to Bond, and what he planned to do with the nuclear reactor powered telemetry equipment on the island, and it was to take control of a United States spacecraft and land it on Crab Key to turn it over to his organization who would then auction it off to the highest bidder. As soon as Dr. No decided that Bond could not be turned, he imprisoned him and put Honey on a concrete slab near the water where he had expected her to be eaten by sea creatures. Bond escaped from his cell via a torture chamber ventilator shaft, which was both hot, and had huge amounts of water run through it every few seconds. After escaping, he made his way to the reactor and telemetry room where he promptly overrode all the controls and brought the reactor up to overload power. He then went to look for Honey who he found and freed after almost ripping a nurse arm off. After escaping the building housing all of Dr. No's equipment, he found himself in a bird guano storage area where he saw Dr. No fleeing for his life. Bond quickly leapt into the control room of a giant crane that piled the guano so it could be shipped to be used as fertilizer. The next thing Dr. No saw, was several tons of guano descending from the crane which Bond had moved over him.
The story ends with Bond and Honey sailing away from the island in a small rowboat while the island exploded from the nuclear reactor behind them. That was when Bond kissed Honey for the first, but most likely not the last, time.

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