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'pathways Of The Morning Light"
(Lu-Ann K. Patrick)

The Pathways of the morning light is the guided light that starts your day. When the light is guiding your direction, your Pathway becomes closer and closer. There are no streams to the conscious mind of the pathways, and, there is only one exit to this pathway. Look deeper and deeper and find yourself in the pathway, capture every moment and do not let go of it! You have to look deeper and deeper into the stream, and it is there you will see your reflection in the light. As you look down at the stream, you will realize that on the other side of the pathway, is you. The new man/woman, you have become, the doorway to the new path of new beginnings. There is no darkness that could penetrate The Pathways of the morning light, for the light is the guided light that starts your day; open the door, and take your exit, The Pathways awaits your presence.

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