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The Gig - Hashish Cookies


As a rule (and a published author) I do not usually download books HOWEVER...when I read the introduction to this hilarious true book, and as a major Hunter S Thompson fan (gonzo journalism), I simply had to have it. I downloaded it from www.lulu.com and it is also available in paperback (very reasonable as well).

This is a true story about 7 friends who meet up one Saturday morning to go to a Fleetwood Mac concert...and from there on I really did Laugh Out Loud. It brings its reader on a journey through Dublin in Ireland and the drug scene at the time - the late 70's to early 80's. The fact that everything in this story is true and that the author has a very unique manner in his writing really only adds to this comic story.

This book I would highly recommend to anyone who is into Hunter S Thompson genre of work, gonzo journalism, smokin, hashish cookies, tequila slammers....and a hilarious story about these seven characters.

www.lulu.com - download only 2.00 - paperback 8.25

Tremendous ongoing gongo journalism genre comedy which will have you in fits of laughter.

10 out of 10.- must look up these downloads in future...found a real comedy gem in this one

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


