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The Kite Runner
(Khaled Hosseini)

This extraordinary novel is the story of human cruelty and fierce redemption of love. Both transform the life of Amir the main character. The story starts during the peaceful days of the monarchy in Afghanistan just before the country's revolution and its invasion by Russian forces. Dramatic political events are only part of the story. It is an intimate account of family, friendship, betrayal and salvation and the fragile relationship between father and son and two young boys who are friends. Mr. Hosseini reminds us how much and how long his people have suffered and struggling to stop the violence, which violence continues today in modern Afghanistan. You will find the story powerful, haunting and unforgettable. you will descend into Amir's most profound battle with himself, you will be mesmerized by the system in which this society is based,totally inhuman and so foreign to us all. Khaled Hosseini is a powerful writer who's eloquent story is brillant and of high literary quality.

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- Kite Runner

- The Kite Runner

- The Kite Runner

Passei.com.br | Biografias


