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The Track Of Storm It Is The Third Part Of The Tale Of Two Cities

On the morning of the marriage, Darnay, at Dr. Manette's request, reveals who his family is, a detail which Dr. Manette had asked him to withhold until such time. Unfortunately, this unhinges Dr. Manette who again reverts to his obsessional shoemaking. After some time, Jarvis Lorry is able to bring him around and he is restored to his right mind before Lucie returns from her honeymoon, and, to prevent his further relapse, destroys the shoemaking bench which Dr. Manette had brought with him from his captivity in France.Later, in mid-July 1789, Jarvis Lorry visits Lucie and Charles and tells them of the curious and inexplicable uneasiness in Paris. The scene cuts to the Saint Antoine fauborg, for the storming of the Bastille, with Monsieur and Madame Defarge in the lead. With the Bastille in their hands, Monsieur Defarge heads for the cell which contained Dr. Manette. He finds his initials inscribed in the wall and digs down beneath them and uncovers a manuscript which Dr. Manette had written in his confinement, condemning the Evremondes, pere et fils, for the wrongful imprisonment he had endured and the destruction of his family. Dickens' depiction of the seizure of the Bastille is balanced; he portrays the joy of the released prisoners, but does not shirk from detailing the punishment exacted upon their jailers.In the summer of 1792, a letter is delivered to Tellson's bank, addressed to the heir of the Marquis of Evremonde. The letter is addressed from the Prison of the Abbaye, Paris, and recounts the tale of the imprisonment of one of the Marquis' retainers, Gabelle, and beseeches the new Marquis to come to his aid. By chance, though the bank is unaware of his identity, Darney receives the letter. He makes plans to travel to a revolutionary Paris, where the Terror is running its bloody course, blithely indifferent to the danger. Lorry is sent on ahead with a (cryptic) message to the imprisoned Gabelle that he is on his way. Book the Third: The Track of a StormIn Beauvais, erstwhile home of Dr. Manette, Darnay is denounced by the revolutionaries as an emigrant, an aristocrat, and a traitor. His military escort takes him to Paris, where he is imprisoned. Dr. Manette and Lucie along with Miss Pross, Jerry Cruncher, and the daughter of Charles and Lucie Darnay, "Little Lucie", leave London for Paris and meet with Mr. Lorry. Dr. Manette tries to use his influence as a former prisoner of the Bastille to have his son-in-law freed. He manages to protect Darnay from being murdered on the night mobs kill thousands of prisoners. After a year and three months, Dr. Manette successfully defends Darnay in the trial. However, that evening, Darnay is put on trial again, under new charges brought by the Defarges and one unnamed other.While Miss Pross and Mr. Cruncher are on their way to the market, they stop at a tavern to buy wine. There, Miss Pross finds her long-lost brother, Solomon Pross, now a revolutionary official. Niether are happy with the meeting. Jerry Cruncher then recognizes him as John Barsad. Sydney Carton, who, to their surprise, joins the party and confirms this identification. He then blackmails Solomon Pross, telling him that he knows that he is a spy, as he had overheard his conversation inside the tavern, and a double agent, working for both the French and British governments at different times. Pross reluctantly gives in to Carton's demands.When Darnay is brought back before the revolutionary tribunal, he is confronted by Defarge, who identifies Darnay as the Marquis St. Evremonde and reads from the paper found in Dr. Manette's cell. The paper describes how he had been locked away in the Bastille by the deceased Marquis Evremonde and his twin brother for trying to report their cruelty to a peasant girl, with whom the younger brother had become infatuated, and her family. The younger man had kidnapped and raped the girl and killed her husband, brother, and father. The brother had moved the last rng member of the family, the youngest daughter, to "somewhere safe." The paper concludes by condemning the Evremondes and all of their descendants, therefore adding Dr. Manette's condemnation to those of the Defarges. Darnay is consigned to the prison La Force, and is sentenced to be guillotined within twenty-four hours.Carton, while wandering the streets at night, stops at the wine shop of Monsieur Defarge, where he overhears Madame Defarge talking about her plans to have Darnay's entire family condemned. Carton discovers that Madame Defarge was the youngest daughter mentioned in Dr. Manette's letter. He quickly reports what he has learned to Mr. Lorry and urges him and the others to leave France as soon as possible.On the day of his execution, Darnay is visited by Carton, who, because of his love for Lucie, offers to trade places with him. As Darnay is unwilling, Carton drugs him, and has him carried out to a waiting carriage. The spy, Barsad, tells Carton to remain true to their promise and Darnay, Dr. Manette, Mr. Lorry, Lucie, and her child then flee France. Darnay uses Carton's papers to pass inspection and presumably escape to England.

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