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The Little Prince
(de Saint-Exupery, Antoine)

The little prince lived alone on a tiny planet no larger than a house.He possessed three volcanos, two active and one extinct, although one never knows about volcanoes.He also owned a flower, unlike any flower in all the galaxy,of great beauty and of inordinate pride. It was this pride that ruined the serenity of the Little Prince's world and started him on the travels that brought him at last to the earth where he learned finally, from a fox, the secret of what is really important in life.Tis book tells you about to love your life and to survive it i hope you injoyed the book. Before a pilot crashed his airplane on the tiny planet.The little prince showed the pilot his baobabs. Boababs are poisenises.The little prince met a girl named I.One of the houses ate mosquito pie.

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- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

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