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The Short Story About Great Escape

Minos was the king of Crete. His wife Paryfae she gave birth child who was half man and half bull. King feared that his son will frighten with one's appearance men. Decided him he to close in safe for him place. He in this aim engaged Dedal, which he be able to to make all. He built great labyrinth. Only Dedal knew how leave from there. Ikar and his father Dedal they fancied to come back to one's country. Treat king Minos not he agreed oneself on this because they knew his the largest secret. Dedal invented certain way escapes. From bird's feathers, glued with wax, he made for me and for son great wings. They put wings, and before take-off father warned son to he had not flown sale high because the rays of the sun could to melt wax and not for low because the moisture of water can soak through feathers. They moved in road. Delighted with this Ikar, that more flies rose to mountain, leaving behind more and more about this his papa told what. Sunny heat began be drowning wax. feathers began come off, one by one. Ikar fell to water. He killed on place. After long searches , zrospaczony father found son's remnants and hid it. Such was the sad fate of young man of interesting world...

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