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Collapse---how Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed
(Jared Diamond)

Collapse---How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed; Diamond, Jared; Viking, Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York, 10014, U.S.A. Jared Diamond has written comprehensive descriptions of the collapse and disappearance of ancient cultures, which include Easter Island, Anasazi Vikings, Maya, and Pitcaren. In addition, he applies the lessons to be learned for cultures and societies in the world of the 21st century. A complex subject that he has chosen for this book, Diamond has succeeded in writing an, ?I couldn?t put it down? book, that is, not only for the movers and shakers in Western civilizations, but also a book for the ordinary, educated, concerned, persuasive individuals. The author also wrote Guns, Germs and Steel in which he addressed the speedy development of technology and immunologies in modern nations, how that has lead to their increasing dominance of other nations in the world, and the benefits and consequences of that process. It is clear that Diamond views environments and resources with concern. The catastrophic results of specific activities that led to collapse of past cultures are related to the disappearance of natural resources such as forests and arable land, population growth, climate changes, inadequate trade activities and warring with their neighbors. Diamond describes bothe thea collapsed cultures and some societies which have tenaciously applied solutions to correct problems; and, those that are forging ahead without concern. As illustrations, the book has excellent photographs showing areas of concern in sites of past cultures; and it is divided into chapters related to each culture plus chapters that specifically relate to modern times and nations. After reading this book, I excitedly recommended it to many individuals and sent a couple to members of Congress.
It is a well written that deserves worldwide attention. -30-

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