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Romeo And Juliet
(William Shakespeare)

The moving, love rich language of Shakespeare?s most famous work makes reading this play a complete emotional epiphany.
As the acts unfold we witness the fated lovers striving towards their individual destinies along the same fated path forged by their love.
Following the story of two fatally devoted lovers, the passion of this work alone, is motivation enough for any warm blooded person interested in a dramatic, fast paced, romantic read. Do not let the Shakespearian dialogue dissuade you because if you take a moment more to truly look at the text, you will find yourself understanding far more of it than you think you do. (reading aloud can also help with this as well as being great fun to do)
From the very start of act one we can feel the characters passions unfolding on the page...anger, vengeance, loyalty and violence all take their place on the streets of Verona. As you read deeper you come to discover the all encompassing passion of Romeos' love and Juliet?s' unyielding devotion to her star-crossed beau. While at the same time, never once being allowed to forget the more sinister thread lying just beneath the surface. Danger lurks around every corner but unbeknown to them, the couples' most dangerous enemies are the very love that binds their hearts together and the families that they each seek to reunite.
Action, drama, romance, crime and comedy are but five of the many genres expressed so eloquently in this play and Shakespeare's highly visual descriptive techniques mean that you will be hard pressed, not to find your feelings almost mirroring those of the characters.
So are you a lusty love struck Romeo or a lovingly loyal Juliet? Put it to the test with this fantastic read and improve your knowledge and cultural awareness at the same time.

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