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Nineteen Eighty Four
(George Orwell)

Nineteen Eighty Four - George OrwellGeorge Orwell showed tremendous insight and premonition in writing the classic novel 1984. Considering he wrote this masterpiece in 1948, his vision into the future becomes very eerie as we watch it unfold in the early 21st century.I first read this novel around 1977. I was obviously a lot younger and thought it was some far fetched science fiction book. I read it again in 2005 and could not believe the accuracy of the things happening today similar to what Orwell wrote nearly 60 years ago. And if things continue as they are, there?s more to come!When Orwell wrote this novel, a Labour government was in power in the UK which was his inspiration for this novel as he could see how the government of the time was striving to gain more control over their people and giving the government greater power to intervene into personal lives. Moves toward totalitarianism, which Orwell detested. 13 years after 1984, a Labour government was back in power in the UK. It?s as if this current government read Orwell?s book and decided ?What a good idea?!Orwell?s central government figure is Big Brother. Big Brother watches everyone and everything via what is now CCTV. Citizens could not make a move without being watched. A crime against the government would result in the offending person being vaporised i.e. they would disappear of the face of the earth without a trace. This was enforced by the Thought Police. It was illegal even to have negative thoughts about the government which was strictly watched and enforced. The Labour government of today wants to sign up to the European constitution, which would guarantee it?s citizens the right to freedom of thought (Article II-70). But, if a government can grant a certain freedom, they also retain the right to revoke that freedom. Make room for the Thought Police.The main character Winston Smith, worked at the Ministry of Truth. The Ministry of Truth was responsible for rewriting history to correspond with Government actions. Everything was written or rewritten to support the government?s position. Big Brother must never be or have been seen as having made a mistake or an error in judgement. Much like today, the Labour government has great control of the BBC news. Not quite to the extent of Big Brother yet, but I?m sure they are working on it. Winston, appears to be a somewhat shy, nervous man, but actually can be very strong in his own way. He develops a longing to join the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is an organisation which is building a conspiracy to overthrow Big Brother. But of course no one can talk about the Brotherhood as that would be a crime. And if the thought police suspect you of even having thoughts against Big Brother, you would be vaporised. Winston falls in love with a Brotherhood agent Julia. Yet, not only for their connection with the Brotherhood they must not be found having an affair, as that would be illegal as well.Although a very political book, anyone can identify with 1984. A love story, a story of betrayal, government intrusion into personal lives and suspense. A very good read. See how the world is becoming like George Orwell?s 1984!

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