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The Tao Of Pooh
(Benjamin Hoff)

At last I understand why I loved Winnie The Pooh! At last I have some clue what Taoism is! And the book was fun to read!In ?The Tao of Pooh? Benjamin Hoff posits that not all great eastern thinkers were actually eastern. He argues that A.A. Milne, writer of the Winnie the Pooh stories was a Taoist thinker and that Pooh himself is an embodiment of life in its natural state, one of the greatest goals of the Taoist.Having made this somewhat startling assertion, Hoff finishes his book only a few thousand words later having strongly defended his position. Using excerpts from Milne?s text, Taoist works from history and in hilarious conversations he creates between himself, Pooh, Piglet, Owl and the gang, Hoff explains the kinds of Taoism, the goals of Taoism and ?nature? of The Tao, a word usually translated as ?The Path.?It turns out that Pooh, and to a lesser extent his buddies, are right at the heart of The Tao. Pooh, by being honest to his nature, being willing to follow the call of a honey pot, in not needing Owl?s scientific rationalism gets right to what it is to be a Taoist; that is to say, to be yourself completely. His friends, busy Rabbit, worried Piglet and the others each represent something you want to avoid on The Path. Strange when you think about it; why is Pooh the hero of the stories?Most people classify Hoff?s books as pop culture rather than religion. I mostly agree, but Taoism really is about being yourself and finding your unspoken nature. Pooh really does embody egoless self. If the shoe fits?Whether you treat it as a serious exploration of religion or just because it?s cute, ?The Tao of Pooh? is funny, insightful and delightful.

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