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Pope John Paul Ii

Karol Józef Wojty?a was born in Wadowice on 18th of May 1920. In his childhood he was called 'Lolek'. He liked playing football, he was a goalkeeper. He was a good student, he helped weaker. But unfortunatelly he encounted to disasters.At firstdied his brother Edmund, than his mother.After the matural exam he wanted to become an actor, so he went to Jagiellonian University. He didn't study long, because The Second World War started on 1st of September 1939.During the war Wojtyla's father died. Young Karol worked in a quarry. Because of one tailor-catechesis teacher, who gave him Deliberations of St. John, he made a decision of becoming a priest. He started to study inatseminary secretly, during the war and after the war, he became a priest. His firstparish was Niegowiec near Cracow. Some years later he became cracovian bishop, who was a critic of comunistic rulers. In the past, Karol Wojtyla was a professor of KUL, so Safety Service (SB-s?u?ba bezpiecze?stwa) started to watch him. Than he became cardinal of Cracow, and at the 'con clave' afterdeath of John Paul theFirst,was elected for a new Pope. He took the name John Paul the Second. It was 19th of October 1978. Since that day he has been fighting with the comunism. On 13th of May 1981 Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca shot at him on St. Peter's square. He was fighting with death, but God was with him. He condoned the criminal. During his rules he did about one hundred and five pilgrimages (including eight pilgrimages to Poland). Pope John Paul the Second died on 2nd of April 2005, after 9665 days of being a bishop of Rome.

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