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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jean M. Auel)

The Clan of the Cave Bear is so soundly researched any reader with an interest in prehistory will be swept along by this exciting adventure. Author Jean Auel went to great lengths to study for her Earth?s Children Series of which The Clan of the Cave Bear is the first. She spent endless hours in the Multnomah County Library reading up on the ice age and prehistoric people. She even joined a survival class to experience what it?s like to live in a cave, and learned how to make arrowheads out of Stone Age materials. Auel successfully paints a convincing prehistoric landscape with colorful language. Immersing one in the strikingly similar culture of the Neanderthal clan, illuminating and mirroring our values, and short comings with characters that remind us modern day humans of ourselves; making it easy to sympathize with the clans struggle to preserve their ridged, ancient traditions and way of life in an environment of constant change. Auel whisks the reader?s imagination back to the dawn of humanity to journey along side the young human girl, Alya. Superbly rich in detail, this epic tale is simply one of compassion and survival of spirit. A clan of Neanderthals adopts Alya and initiates her as one of their own. She struggles to be accepted by her new family, but her defiant, independent and inquisitive human nature is a constant reminder that she doesn?t belong. In their eyes she is an ugly duckling, and an undesirable mate to the men of the clan. She struggles to meld in with the other passive women, but Alya?s warrior-like spirit rejects all attempts to dominate her true nature. She?s continually at odds with the male leaders, and eventually her transgressions become unforgivable. In the end, Alya suffers their ultimate punishment.

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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