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A Brave New World
(Aldous Huxley)

Order above all Else! This is the main theme of the world in A Brave New World. Everything is in order, the population is divided into five castes each with specific roles. Sex comes at the prescribed times and with prescribed people. There?s even a drug ?Soma? to help you keep your mind in order. Everything seems to be in order for everyone. For everyone, that is, except Bernard Marx, a sort of squeaky wheel in this sexed up Utopia who can?t seem to be satisfied with a world made so totally predictable that children aren?t even born anymore, they?re ?decanted.? Like many authors of his time, Huxley uses the vehicle of his story to ask if man is better off in the prepackaged, heartless plastic world they?ve created or in a more natural environment.In a somewhat contrived manner that would have made Rousseau proud, Marx and his friends rescue John Savage from a native reservation and try to introduce him to the ?modern? world, a place where he completely fails to thrive.While this is a very good book about the tendency of man to order to the point of depersonalization all things in his world, it seems a bit dated today and can be a bit hard to read. It is generally considered to be an anti-utopian novel, but, if you happen to be anyone but John Savage or Bernard, you?re pretty happy about how things are going.What was most fun for me was Huxley?s strange and funny naming conventions. It should really come as no surprise that Marx has got the hots for a girl named Leninna. Also, the world controller they eventually end up being brought before was named Mustafa Mond, which is vaguely French for ?Must Have a World.? What a clever author!

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- A Brave New World

- A Brave New World

- A Brave New World

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