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"the Lusiads"
(Luis de Camoes)

An epic poem, written after the classic greek epic poems. "The Lusiads" (which had its first edition published in 1572) is a literary outcome of the Renaissance and of the period of the portuguese discovery expeditions of the 16th century. It is structured according to the canonics (eights in decasyllables bound to the fixed ryhme scheme ABABABCC, structured in ten chants), a historical image of portuguese culture, placing the voyage that Vasco da Gama made to the indis as a central theme. During the voyage, among the setbacks and the conquests, episodes of portuguese history are narrated in flashback, since the early days of Lusitania. Associated to a certain literaly mastery only worthy of a genius poet, the plot is enriched with two parallel stories: The royal voyage of the portuguese and a mythological plan, in which the olympic gods will take their stand regarding the voyage, some of them conspiring for its success while other conspire for its fail.Both plans interact precisely in the end, in the episode at the Love Island (Ilha dos Amores) - the only one where the story is not bound by historical facts -, working as a prize to the voyagers and, in its erotic intensity, it's also a fulcrum in Camões's writing.

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