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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott)

Written way back in 1867, Little Women continues to hold sway over readers, cutting across time, age and geography. A poignant tale of a four sisters, Little Women addresses issues, which are surprisingly relevant even today. The story takes us through the lives of the March sisters ? Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth who live with their mother. Their father is away at war. Meg teaches little kids, Jo is a tomboy with a mercurial temper, Beth is a homemaker at heart, whereas Amy is the spoilt brat. Their lives change forever when they are invited to the home of Mr. Lawrence, their rich neighbour for a sumptuous Christmas feast. Jo befriends Laurie, Mr. Lawrence?s lonely grandson. Soon, Laurie becomes part of the girls? inner circle. Life progresses smoothly until tragedy strikes. Their father is taken severely ill and their mother rushes to Washington to be by his side. In the meanwhile, the girls look after the house and each other. But tragedy strikes again. Beth contacts scarlet fever. Though she recuperates, she never gets her strength back. Jo takes to writing stories. She gets fame as a writer when a story expresses her anguish at her sister?s death. Laurie proposes to her but she turns him down. Eventually Laurie and Amy get married. Meg marries Mr. Brooke, Jo?s tutor. Jo finds love too with one Professor Bhaer. The book ends with everyone getting together and reflecting on their past, their aspirations, their hopes and how everything worked out just fine for each of them.

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- Little Women

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- Little Women

- Little Women

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