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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a thrilling page turning read. The fictional theme is good, and if you read it for the fictiion that it is you will thoroughly enjoy it. It is a nice who done it murder mystery that starts with the victim being murdered in the Louvre. Then the story unfolds around the grand daughter of the victim trying to piece together the resolution as to who did the killing while also finding out that she is the grail- the bloodline descendant of Jesus Christ.

It is the side theme of the holy grail and bloodline of Jesus Christ that cause many people to really be offended or to start questioning their own belief systems. Dan Brown did use actual organized societies beliefs to write this piece, but many are more shocked as to what they percieve as a fact instead of looking at it as the fiction that it is. The Gospels record no marriage or secret marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdolene. The purpose Jesus had for dying on the cross far surpasses this fictional book.

Jesus did love Mary. He saved her from being stoned, and he gave her her dignity back when he asked her where her accusers were and then he said that he forgave her too. She became a follower of Jesus and helped with the starting of the church. The church being the body of Christ his living presence on Earth that barely awaits his imminent return. Jesus didn't have the privacy or opportunity nor even the desire to sire children with Mary. He was going to the cross which he spoke plainly about before it happened and he knew that was what his mission was.

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- The Davinci Code

- Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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