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The Gnosis Chinese
(J. van Rijckenborgh e Catharose de Petri)

THE Gnosis Chinese Commentaries above the Tao Te King of Lao Tsé. THE China millenary was she marks at eerie I testify from a knowledge atemporal. Treated - if of the etrono call about to the find again with the Tao , the absolute into the man. Just as the Bhagavad Gita & the gospels , the Tao Te King of Lao Tsé pertains the patrimony spiritual from humanity & she renders the synthesis from knowledge gnóstica of the Empire Celestial. Second the tradition , the Tao is broadcast that one what esta on frontier , prepared about to hear the revelation of the I tread of return the man perfect original , the man - microcosm.

Resumos Relacionados

- Sribhagavadgita

- Tao Te King

- Srimad Bhagavad Gita ? A Great Science To Live Life.

- Srimad Bhagavad Gita ? A Great Science To Live Life.

- Statesman (the Statesman)

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