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Principles And Practices Of Management

PLANNING PROCESSINTRODUCTION:Planning is a comprehensive policy in any government or non- government organization.It implies a policy or set of guidelines which is to be followed by any organization to meet its targets. PLANNING is a key element in the functioning of any organization. Actually planning is an outcome of the decision making PROCESS in any organization. Any organizationhas to run its activities with a fixed financial, technical and human resources. Therefore, it has to set a target for the organization for any period. To achieve the set target or the minimum target goal, a comprehensive set of guidelines or framework is needed which is called Planning.TYPES:In a big organization having a multi dimensional & multi-locations setup, there are twotypes of planning:1) CORPORATE PLANNING:The planning, which is taken at the corporate level which covers the organization as a whole is called corporate Planning. Corporate planning is alike the strategic, operational Planning and Long-term Planning due to the same objectives of all these. However, they differ with each other.The planning process initiated by the company for the long-term objectives is called long term Planning whereas the planning process aimed towards strategic changes in the organization viz. Expansion plan, Restructuring of business processes within the organization etc. is called Strategic planning. Operational planning is a short term planning process aimed towards sustained production and worker?s efficiency at the shop floor level in the organization. But corporate planning is aimed towards one or all of the objectives of these planning processes.LIMITATION OF PLANNING:There are several limitations of a planning process, which are enumerated below:1) CAPITAL INVESTMENT:In many instances, when capital is injected into any fixed assets, it becomes difficult for the organization to invest in other areas. This situation arises due to financial constraintsof the management board, lack of consolidation in the competitive market, emergence of new players in the market etc. This situation prevails until the company either grab the market share and enhance its profitability or restructure its business by liquidating some of its fixed assets viz. unused land or the land used for non-core activity etc.2) TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES AND PEOPLES? PREFERENCES:The organization has to continuously change its plans according to the technological changes taking place in the goods and services. Many times, organization fails to adapt the new technological setup due to its improper planning. Also people?s tastes and preferences also changes according to their needs, technological changes etc. This also may results the failure of the planning process due to non-fulfillment of company?s objectives.3) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS:History of the industrial movements revealed that a cordial relationship between the employer and employees is a must for the organization to progress and strive forward.If relations between the worker?s and management group is strained, production will Get hampered due to strike, gherao, and procession etc. by the worker?s union and the company may not achieve its overall plan targets.CONCLUSION:No doubt, planning is a essential and the continuous process in any organization. A big organization needs multi- strata planning whereas in the small and medium organization, only a comprehensive planning is chalked out. Several past and previous factors like the number of consumers, competitors in market, socio- political situation of the region, future forecasting of the market by the scientific methods etc. are considered for framing out a suitable planning process for the organization. The planning processes may also differ among the large organization itself on regionwise and countrywise. However, it can be concluded that the economic and business situations are volatile and there is no hard and rigid rules for the success of any planning process.

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