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Soul Surfer
(Bethany Hamilton)

This autobiography was written by a fourteen-year-old (at that time) surfer girl who has a terror experience of being attacked by a shark during surfing.Her parents are also surfers and she is their youngest daughter. She grew up in a surfing-lover-family with two other brothers who also love surfing. They live in Hawaii where they can enjoy surfing everyday ( as long as there are waves), so her surfing skill was getting better and better.

One day, morning came as always, she went to the beach with her mother. Tough waves are small on that day, it was sunny and she happened to meet her best friend there, she decided to go into the water anyway. And this led her to the whole terror experience.

At the time she was attacked by the shark, she was only thirteen-year-old. However she was surprisingly very calm after the attack. In this book, she describes about this whole circumstance and her feelings of that time, as well as her feelings for surfing or her family and friends before and after the attack, which you can see well what kind of girl she is.

She lost most of her left arm in this accident. Since that day, she's had surgery twice and she thought that she would not be able to surf with only one arm, then she started thinking what she wants to do in her future besides surfing. However, she had second thought before she gets out of the hospital, and decided to go back to the water again. She had great supports from her family, friends, and all the other people who love her, and finally she did manage to get back to the water.

Now, she ?s in full activity as a surfing competitor, while helping encouraging people by telling her story or joining volunteer works.

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