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(Prus, Boles?aw)

Maecenas Mr Tomas has been walking through the Miodowa Street for 30 years. He was smart and calm man. Despite the fact he loved beautiful women he still was a single, because he had never had a time to get married. He rented a flat composed of 6 rooms, in which he gathered paintings and other masterpieces of art. He strongly dislike barrel organs, when he heard them he became angry in a moment. Two women with 8 year old girl were living opposite his home. The girl has never run at home, and has never gone outside the home, she only sat in front of window and played with doll. Mr Tomas noticed that the girl is blind. Two years earlier the girl had come down with high temperature, she had been unconsciousnes and from that time she losted her sight. In her new home she was unhappy, because she couldn't move around the home casually, due to her disability. One day, in spite of Mr Tomas'clear ban , the barrel organ started to play in neighbourhood. Firstly. Mr Tomas got angry, but when he noticed girl's happiness he called porter and promised him 10zl on condition he would let the man who played the barrel organ in. Mr Tomas who was a very sensitive man. decided to help the girl and started to look for ophthalmologists and wrote their's addresses down from calendar.

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