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The Witches
(Roald Dahl)

One of Roald Dahl's most popular children's books, The Witches is a true classic, a grizzly, glorious tale of witches, potions and magic mouse mix! The world of women is not quite it seems... the lovely old ladies wandering in the streets, the school teachers, even your next door neighbour might be a Witch in disguise. Witches are highly skilled in the art of deception, and wear wigs gloves and special shoes to cover their true idenitities, their bald, itchy scalped, toe-less selves! In Dahl's story, our hero, a young boy, stays in a hotel with his grandmother. Accompanied by his newfoundfriend, he stumbles upon the witches convention, where the Grand High Witch is planning to wipe out children... forever!The witchesare instructed to open sweet shops in order to distributetheoffending products tochildren across the country. Whenthe children eat the poisoned sweets, they turn into mice! The plan, the Grand High Witch explains, is thatmice are so hated by adults that they willbe stamped and squished by the terrified adults- a genius idea!The boys cannot believe their ears. But wait- the witches begin to smell the children ( witches, you must remember, have highly developed senses of smell and can smell children from a great distance), and they are discovered! Time is running out, the transformed children only have hours to outwit the witches and save the children on Great Britain from a horribly disturbing fate. The ending, a fantastic celebration of bravery and wit against all adversity, brings this fantastic and imaginative story to a gloriously colourful conclusion. A fantastic read.

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