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Woman Of A Sole Man
(Alex Castro)

"Woman of a sole man".Alex Castro is selling he's story book and soon, he will be selling Woman of a sole Man, both in e-books and for only 7 Reais. In its homage, I rewrite a summary of his romance. One of the books I read this year is ?Woman of a sole man? of Alex Castro. In synthesis it is a pleasant, nice and easy book to read. HThe story flows through our cognitives sensors, making possible the reflection about what it is not said in an explicit way. Perhaps that has been the reason for my delay in making my analisys of it. The book is spoken in the first person, a common first person, who speaks in an unpretentious way as someone who is speaking with a friend, telling a story, an important part of his life, with details of the interior decoration, states of spirit, the bubbling of feelings. The subjects are various, since intelligence against perception and jalousie, friendship between man and woman. Subjects that have already been in his site, as an essay, in the section of the Arrests. The insertion in the romance does not become heavy or forced, but sufficiently subtle, more in a reflexive way than as if it wanted to impose the points of view of the author. What I liked the most, and captured my attention was the chronology of the narrative, that did not necessarily match with the chronology of the events. The narrator - the main personage of the book is a woman - leads the wires of the story, either in the order of facts, or going from the future to the past or vice versa so that the reader can understand the facts in a global way. After all, this is how stories are told, many times we only see in the future the reasons for today'events, althought this is one of the ways to built an interest. Anyway, ?Woman of a sole man", is an exciting book since the title, proving that, beyond being an excellent bloguer, Alex Castro is also a writer of a great talent.

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