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The Book Of Secrets
(Deepak Chopra)

Life. What is it, and why it exists? Actually this very question contains contradiction, because Life is existence. Existence filled with ?unknown?. Chopra in his volume ?The Book of Secrets? reveals the mystery of life in such a wise and tranquil way that it leaves readers minds calm and soothed. In this book we can find answers for some difficult questions we ask ourselves, such as why I am here? Who or what am I? When I die, what next? Author presents his immense philosophical and spiritual knowledge about the subjects of life, death, lasting happiness (which is very different from temporary happiness), love and consciousness. What are those Secrets that at some point of life we all ask ourselves? What really is important? This book unlocks the gate to hidden castle where wisdom abound. Most of us are trapped in our everyday life?s lower level consciousness, where reality seems to be- what surrounds us, what we can see, hear or touch. At this level we are separating ourselves from that reality, as well as from other people. We see ourselves as better, worse, or just different from other human beings, and everything that surrounds us. According to Deepak Chopra, that very kind of attitude is one of the main causes of our mental, spiritual and even physical suffering. We need more ?spiritual air?. We need to expand our awareness and see ourselves in union with other human beings and with the universe.This book will help us to achieve that wonderful task. It presents a well written stream of thoughts flowing from one of the sharpest minds in a field of mind-body connection.Word of caution for readers who are new to field of spirituality, and especially to Chopra?s works. Prior reading of this book , I would recommend to read one of his earlier books as a primer. For me ?The book of Secrets? has been very influencing and interesting piece of art, yet for someone trying to x-ray authors mind for the first time using this book as a tool, may be a daunting task. Vitek

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