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Life In Annie's World
(Patricia Anne Bancroft)

Oh yeah I love Depressing People....I myself have survived cancer,an abusive marriage and so far life. I am so glad to be able to get up every day and thank the lord for pulling me thru all of this mess. I could have had a great pity party for myself,but I decided that I needed to do what needed to be done and keep on keepin' on. If you decide in your mind that you are ill and you just can't make it...pull up those boot straps and try to be positive. There are enough negative things in the world today.....do you really want to live your life that way? It, is called life for a reason..duh! I want to do the thingsI said I would do and just half of them would be fine.God willdecide this ole life of mine and You never know when he's gonna ask you to come check out heaven. So ...put a smile on your face, put love and peace in your heart and skip on down the road.

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