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Build A Better Life By Stealing Office Supplies
(Scott Adam)

Scott Adams? Build a Better Life By Stealing Office SuppliesInsights gained from this book:If you wear mismatching clothes at work, you?ll be treated like earwax. If you wear smart suits, people will pretend to like you because you might be their boss some day. If you wear sandals and beachwear, you?ll be worshipped as the only one who understands the computer. If your tie falls in your tea, it?s time for your committee meeting. Ties know these things. He points out the obnoxious people who harp on other people?s every slight mistake. One way to the top: find strange-looking, powerless people to blame everything on. Another way: doing nothing rather than making mistakes. Another: taking credit for other people?s work. Another: write useless things that offend no one and mean nothing. And increase staff and have them all make work for each other. (Adams probably got this from Parkinson.) I know offices (which shall be presently anonymous) operating this way. Decentralize everything centralized, and centralize everything decentralized. People think you?re a genius. Offer to start new projects involving a lot more people. They budget you more money. If the boss gets a bonus for cutting expenses, some people will be out of a job and the others will work harder. Writing resolutions or manuals or anything else by committee is ineffective and time-consuming, but people do it to mask blame. People higher in the hierarchy take credit for other people?s ideas. For instance, Kenneth Reeves sent manuscripts to the editing department and, lo and behold, other people wrote articles on the same subjects, stealing his ideas, before putting his words into print. So now he left the hierarchy and has his work printed elsewhere. When people call, give them information you have but that they don?t want, ask them to rephrase the question as many ways as possible, leave the phone and come back as someone else, hold for ten minutes, then disconnect them. If they call back, refer them to recently deceased persons, or use a difficult foreign accent and start from the beginning. People think that the more copies you receive of other people?s work, the more important you are. The time a project will take is probably one week per the number of people involved. You can stall basically all productivity by demanding cost-benefit analysis, extensive discussion of alternatives, financial analysis. By having good time management but different priorities, you can create gridlock. (Find people who actually do this and kill them.) Refuse to answer questions unless you know who is asking, why and what they will do with the information. Heirarchies (like HQ) try to keep people from getting mad at them. Small groups(like local churches) have more flexibility and can take advantage of opportunities.

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