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(Fernando Pessoa)

Message (1934), was the only book in Portuguese language published by Person. The poems of the book are organized of form to compose a fragmentary epic, where the set of the lyric texts finishes forming an epic text compliment Portugal. Tracing the history of its country, Pessoa envereda for a místico nationalism of sebastianista character. The book Message is divided in three parts: Blazon, Portuguese Sea and the Hidden one. In the first one, history of the Portuguese glories is counted to it. In second, the navigations and maritime conquests of Portugal are presented. In third, the sebastianista myth of return of Portugal to the times of glory is presented. The first part of Message, Blazon, if structure as the Portuguese blazon, that is formed by two fields: one presents seven castles, the other, five quinas. In the top of the blazon, they are the crown and the timbre, that grifo presents, mythologist animal that head of lion and wing of eagle has thus the poems of this part are divided, sending to the blazon of Portugal. They turn on the great figures of the history of Portugal, since Dom Enrique, founder of the Portucalenses County, passing for its wife, Dona Tareja, and its son, first king of Portugal, Dom Alfonso Enriques, until the Dom infant Enrique (1394-1460), founder of the School of Sagres and great fomented of the Portuguese overseas expansion, and Alfonso de Albuquerque (1462-1515), Portuguese dominator of the East. Until the myth of Ulisses, that would have established the city of Ulissepona, later Lisbon, is presented: The myth is the nothing that is everything. The same sun that opens skies Is a shining and dumb myth. ?The second part, Portuguese Sea, present the main stages of the overseas expansion that took Portugal to occupy a place of prominence in the world during centuries XV and XVI: ?And to the immense and possible ocean They teach this Quinas, that you see here, That the sea with end will be Greek or Roman: The sea without end is Portuguese. ?Already the last part, the Hidden one, presents the mysticisms around the figure of Dom Sebastian, king of Portugal whose fleet was decimated in attack to the mourns in 1578. Many forecasts, as of Bandarra shoemaker and of the priest Antonio Vieira, foresee the return of Dom Sebastian to rescue the power of Portugal, creating the Fifth Empire, marking the supremacy of Portugal on the world: ?Greece, Rome, Christianity, Europe, the four if go For where all age goes. Who comes to live the truth That died Dom Sebastian? Three great facts in the history of Portugal, the end of century XIX and with repercussion in century XX, had had influence on Fernando Pessoa: *A crisis of the monarchy, caused for the organization and magnifying of the Parties Socialist and Republican; *O expansionism of England, that desired the domain total of Africa and that an ultimatum directed Portugal, demanding the withdrawal of the Portuguese troops of Angola and Mozambique; *Crise economic-financier of the Europe, with disastrous repercussion in Portugal, whose currency was depreciated and some banks had declared insolvent. better poems of this line of content if find in the book ?Message?, only workmanship published while still alive for the poet. Fernando Pessoa returned to the historical origins of Portugal, to the great navigations, the Sebastian profecth, the ?nationalistic mysticism?, that he dreamed of an immense Lusitanian empire. The sea is invoked and dominates the images poetical. Person if referee to the appearance of ?Supply? and practiced the intertextualidade with some stretches of ?the Lusíadas?. The primitive idea of the poet was to give to the book ?Message? the heading of ?Portugal? .End the truth, the poems only forms one poem.Pessoa alternating words of the modern Portuguese with others of the archaic Portuguese. - Lyric Poetry: Fernando Pessoa mentioned lyric poems to it as being ?multifaceted poetry?: he has since poems metalingüísticos, passing for light reflections, until arriving the diving?s of introspection in ?deep I?. Person, when exploring the lyric vein, retook subjects, metric rhythms and traditional porguesas (?Cancioneiro?, a book of poetries, is a assignment of medieval coetaneous of cantigas) and enhanced the music alidade of verses, as expression of symbolic suggestions, in the style of the Symbolism.

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