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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

Don't panic. That is the way the fantastic Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy starts. if you looking for a lift in our galaxy you will find very good reasons to panic, specially if you don't have your towel and your guide. If you never heard it is because you never had the chance to read the fantastic "Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy" (HHGG) by Douglas Adams.
The story of Arthur Dent appeared in 1978, with a BBC radio programme,which was so successfull that it was adapted to a five part triology. In 1979, the first book of the collection was edited: ?The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?. the books were even more successfull than the radio programme and originated at least three theatre plays, a tv series, a video game, cartoons, towels and a film.
The story of Arthur dent and the "Guide" brings us a little bit of british nonsense to science fiction. The allucinated rhythm of this story doesn't make much sense but with a strong component of social criticism, it captivated readers.
here's how it starts: Arthur Dent is having a bad day. He finds out that his house it's about to be demolished, that his best friend is an alien and, to make matters worst, planet earth will also be demolished to give place to a spacehighway. Thanks to Ford Perfect, the alien friend, they both get a lift from Vogon, the spaceship responsible for the demolition.
In the middle of many adventures and much confusion, that includes a stolen spaceship, robots with annoying personalities and coincidences without any sense, Arthur finds out that nothing is what it seems; for instances, that a towel its the most usefull thing in the universe and that everything he needs to know is in one single book: the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. the hhgg itself was never published on earth and until earths demolition it was never seen by a human being.
In his strange voyage, Arthur and Ford meet unexpected help, like the galactic president Zaphod (with two much confused heads) and trillian, and a depressed robot. Arthur will find the true story of planet earth and the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
the crazyness of this storyis thanks to the wild imagination of douglas adams. in total nonsense, we never know what will happen next, but we know its always funny thnks to the irony and sense of humor of the author, who doesn;t spare technology, science, politics and burocracy. after all, the demolition of arthurs house and the unexpected destruction of earth, are opppurtunities to ironize about planning and burocracy. the demolition of earth its so unexpected because humans didnt give themselves the trouble of consulting the plans exposed in the last 50 years in the local planning department... in alfa centauri!

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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