(james moylan)
A man gois skyedivingfor the first time, after listening to the instructer for what seem like days, he is ready to go .Excited he jumps out of the plane, about five seconde later he pulles the ripcord... Nothing happens. he tries again still nothing. He starts to panock. But remembers his back up choice. He pulles that cord and nohing happens. He franticlly pulls both cordes, but to no avail. Suddenly he lookes down, and he cant believe his eyes, another man is in he air with him but this man is going up. Just as the man passes the skydiver who is still scared out of his wits, yells.Het do you anything about skydiving. The othe guy yells back do you know anything about gas stoves. ....... During class the skydiving instucter always takes the time to answer questons. On guy askes. if your chute dousent open and the reserve dousent open how long do we have befor we hit the ground. The jump master lookes at him in a perfect dead pan face. and says. The rest of your life. ...... Flight 101 is coming in for a landing under the controle of the co pilet. and the pilot is freaking out. The sweat is jumping of his brow. The plane lands and screeches to a halt. Relieved the pilot turns to the co pilot and says. man that was the shortest runnway i ever landed on. The co pilot says, yeah, which is weird because its soooooo wide.
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