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I Refuse To Be Lonely
(Zenovia Barksdale)

Are you one of those women who has invested a lot of love and time into a man only to find out that he is attracted to other men. There are some men who come out and admit they are gay, while there are some men who will deny that they are gay to their grave. I had a man like that, we had dated for three years and even had a child together and I found a love letter from his lover, of course he denied it was not what I thought it was. But when I look back I can see the writing on the wall, but just didn't want to face reality. There are so many womenlike that and pretend that they do not know that they are in a relationship with a gay man, until he announces to her that he hasAIDSand by the way she may also too! How many of your girls have girlfriends who are only around when they need you and not the same way around. How many mothers, daughters and sisters do you know are in domestic violence and you just do not know what to say to them, there are poems that address just that subject. There are poems that talk about drug abuse, domestic abuse, self esteem, enjoying the relationships with your girlfriends,having dreams and goals and never give up, but most importantly never forgetting The True God of Armies is there to assist them.This book may seem like it's as book bitter on men, not so just bitter with the men that have crossed their paths. It is about a woman who has drama all her adult life with men because she felt the need to always have a man in her life. She finally realized that she had to give herself happiness before anyone can. Mostly this book is about loving yourself.

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