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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

The Da Vinci Code is a pulse-quickening, brain-teasing adventure that everyone must go through. Its a blockbuster perfection. An exhilerating brainy thriller. It is a compelling blend of history and page-turning suspence. This story has so many twists, all satisfying and most unexpected, that it would be a sin to reveal too much of the plot in advance. In other words, it is athundering, tantalizing, extremely smart fun ride. It is a gripping mix of murder and myth. An international chase is the word. It is a quest. There are codes within codes. It is a delightful display of erudition.The race across France and the United Kingdom leads us on a fascinating journey through a covert, enigmatic world revealed through a seemingly endless collection of codes, puzzles, anagrams, cryptograms, and messages hidden not only in Da Vinci's art but in things we think we know well. It is a multi-layered, highly sophisticated tale. Readers with advanced degrees in comparative religion, European history, symbology, art and cryptology, will have a grand old time with Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The rest of us stumble through, rasping at this clue and that, gasping in surprise at one or another shadow around the next corner, and likewise have a grand old time. The novel is maddening, scary, complicated and almost impossible to put down once you're hooked. It is amystery that challenges our intelligence, and enough believable twists and turns to keep us turning the pages. Dan Brown has delivered a crackling, intricate mystery, complete with breathtaking escapes and several stunning surprises. It's challenging, exciting, and a whole lot more.He solidifies his reputation as one of the most skilled thriller writers on the planet with his best book yet, a compelling blend of history and page-turning suspense. He doesn't slow down his tremendously powerful narrative engine despite transmitting several doctorates' worth of fascinating history and learned speculation, The Da Vinci Code is brain candy of the highest quality. Brown has built a world that is rich in fascinating detail, and I could not get enough of it. He hasassembled a whopper of a plot that havepleased conspiracy buffs and thriller addicts alike. Hisextensive research on secret societies and symbology adds intellectual depth to this page-turning thriller. His surprising revelations on Da Vinci's penchant for hiding codes in his paintings will lead the reader to search out renowned artistic icons as The Mona Lisa, The Madonna of the Rocks and The Last Supper. The Last Supper holds the most astonishing coded secrets of all and, after reading The Da Vinci Code, you will never see this famous painting in quite the same way again. Mr. Brown, I am your fan. P.S. PLEASE RATE THIS ARTICLE.

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