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Simple And Practical Tips For Health-003
(from ancient hindu collections)

In my last article I have explained till 7 fortnights of baby inside the womb of the mother, during this stage if mother consumes more liquids without sugar, ice etc. that will give more result towards the health of the baby and if mother meditates the personality of shape of somekind she may give birth to same shaped child.

Bhoolokam : This stage starts at 8th fortnight, by the time this stage starts then mother should wear loose dresses to comfort the baby in side her womb for better growth. In this stage baby inside the the womb of the mother gets minimum required standards to live on the earth, if female she who is carrying baby inside her womb takes little care in food habits it will give good results such as eating direct foods than processed foods, if you eat fruit it is direct food, if you eat rice it is processed food. Fruit that which is coming directly from the tree, when you want to eat a fruit, simply pluck it out from the tree or buy it from the market and eat it, some may store in refrigerated conditions, but during the time of carrying female are advised to eat only fresh fruit instead of refrigerated one because fresh fruit contains more protein values whereas refrigerated ones not that much, if you are unable to get fresh or else you are not at all confident of determining whether the available fruit's status is fresh or not then simply drink its juice without mixing any other ingredients such as sugar, salt, ice cubes, milk etc. etc. If you want to eat mango it gives good result at the same time if you want to eat mango pickle it gives negative result, why because mango is lively product, you will pluck it from the tree, clean it with water, cut and eat, in this case mango's life will not go out, in case of pickle, first you will cut mango, then dry it, then mix it with oil, chilly and other ingredients etc., after that leave it for few days then the life in the mango is going to vanish, if a female she who is carrying consumes such type of long time processed foods it will effect the baby inside womb in having pranashakti and as result of this baby cannot live for longer time and at the same time during the time of living also they may face several health problems. Hence women who are carrying are advised to eat rice, curries etc. etc. hardly with a gap of one hour from the time of their original process, i.e., after cooking rice or curries please make it a habit of eating within one hour instead of keeping in hot packs and eating after three, four hours, betterto eat home food, better to consume milk, butter (fatless), juices (sugar and ice less), fruits (non-refrigerated ones) to install good pranashaktito the baby inside the womb.

Rest of things I will continue in my next article simple and practical tips for health-004
This abstract was checked by WhiteSmoke Solution. Learn More.

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