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The Lord Of The Rings
(J R R Tolkien)

The Lord of the rings, full of action, suspense, displays of courage, of good verses evil, and yes, they even include some love in one of the greatest stories of time written by J R R Tolkien. It all starts when a Hobit named Frodo recieves a ring of power passed down from his uncle Bilbo Baggins. It was only by chance that Bilbo found this ring, Bilbo knew this ring held a great ammount of power, but it being the one ring of power never entered his deepest thought. Frodo, with the great help of his friends he meets among the way seeks out to destroy the ring of power, and put an end to evil once and for all.One of the most loved stories comes to life in a well done trilogy directed by Peter Jackson. Never seen before special effec ts will have you sitting on the edge of the seat.The Lord of the rings is the perfect novel, with a great storyline that will have you wanting more.Calvin Goulet-Jones .
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