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The Audacity Of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming The American Dream
(Barack Obama)

It remains to be seen whether Barack Obama does indeed run for president in '08. After reading this book though one thing is clear to me: Barack Obama deserves the chance. People who think he is merely a fresh face or a media darling with charisma and an exotic background, better take a closer look. Obama has substance, depth, wisdom.

The reality is our country desperately needs someone like him. If you're wondering what direction he would take America, read this book. Barack Obama clearly understand the complex issues our country faces, and he addresses them with both fairness and firmness. He is surprisngly erudite with American history, foreign affairs, and economics.

He's also very honest and open about politics and its challenges, both personally and holistically. I haven't read a politician as intriguing as Obama in a long time. I highly recommend this book. Here's hoping America recognizes a good thing when they see it.

Resumos Relacionados

- New York Post

- More About The Audacity Of Hope

- La Audacia De Obama

- Obama: Nos EspaÇos Poluidos Do Preconceito

- Barack Obama

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