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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

A classic is a book that can be revisited ever so many times and each time that you read it there is something it can contribute to your life. Pride and Prejudice is loved for its great characters and the wonderful narrative. I love it for its peacefulness. There is an innate sense of non-violence that emanates from the pages of this book. The simplicity of the English countryside and the people in the villages opens up a whole new life that I have not experienced in reality. Love and friendship in their quintessential form are lost from the bestsellers of this day. The latter have a lot to say about political undercurrents in the daily lives of people, the problems of exile, poverty and war. While all of these issues are important, we should not forget that we are human beings. There is a drama going on in our own lives every moment of the day. We have lost touch with ourselves. The need of the hour is to connect with our own "pride" and our "prejudices." They are not to be discounted. We do not really want the books that take the world by storm. We have had many storms. What we need a gentle breeze. The breeze that blows from people who live in a small world, filled with love. The love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy will be celebrated at alltimes. The suspense in the story of Jane and Mr. Bingley will be felt as many times as you read the book. Mr.Collins' wedding proposal to Elizabeth will remain as one of the most humorous literary incidents. The madness of Mrs.Bennet exasperate every generation of readers.
"Pride and Prejudice" is written with wisdom that cannot be expected of a woman in her early twenties. This wisdom is a legacy of literature and you must read and participate in the lives of the Bennets, the Bingleys and the de Bourghs to gain from it. Hertfordshire and Merryton are delightful places to visit.
Happy travelling!

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