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Sense And Sensibility
(Jane Austen)

What Jane Austen accomplished with this journey takes your breath away. You are taken to another time, where women were respected and cherished, and viewed as the truly femine creatures that they are. They sway through their days, ever so proper, yet have the same agonies and heartaches that all young women seem to go through when they love and lose regardless of the century they happen to be living in.The story also examines the love between sisters and the way they position themselves with in their family. Jane brings to life the strength of family when they face the humiliation of losing their station in society, which in the time frame of her story is absolutely the most important description of character.You will go from joy to complete and total fear when one of the sister's very life is threatened, and the other's life crumbles because of her hidden love who is rumored to have married another. The twists and stunning turns of Jane's story leave you unaware of where she is leading you and unprepared for the miraculous ending.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


